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Filtering the “Noise” Workshop


5.0 (1 review)

It is so easy to get carried away with our daily activities and not realize how much “Noise” is actually there. And many times, since we’re unaware of this, we do nothing to clear it out.

Little do we realize that it is this noise which prevents us from doing some major tasks on our lists because we’re exhausted or we’re simply yearning for time for ourselves. We’re carrying all this baggage from the words, actions and even energy of others.

Let’s face it: you cannot truly have time for yourself if your auric field is all clogged up and does not vibrate in the high manner that leaves you smiling and feeling fulfilled.

Hence, this workshop is for you if you are looking for a way to manage the noise around you better so that you can establish a greater flow to your daily routine. But first, you will be able to identify where the “Noise” is coming from.

The noise can be created by both external and internal factors. This workshop is for you, especially if you are an empath living or working with others and finding it difficult to manage yourself.

In this workshop, you will learn techniques on how to manage and filter the noise so that you can reclaim peace within yourself and a sense of being grounded. These techniques encompass things which require only 5 minutes of energy or unto 30 minutes. Depending on your style!

You will be guided through 2-3 meditations, and receive journaling prompts so that you can release those mental clogs.

Then we end with some affirmations so that you can add to your toolkit of daily inspiration.

Length approx: 72 minutes

I am excited to have created this space so that I could share it with you virtually!

All the best!


1 review for Filtering the “Noise” Workshop

  1. Amren

    Sosh really breaks down how to transform the noise into something that actually benefits you. Highly recommend!
    ETA: I originally posted this review in 2021 on Sosh’s previous website.

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