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The Beginning – An Introduction To The Generational Curse

The Beginning – An Introduction to the Generational Curse

For me, this is the beginning of doing something with so much extreme care, thought and love than I ever have done before when it comes to living my purpose and fulfilling what I’m very passionate about. With the exception of my sessions that I conduct, my clients receive my full heart and soul. Growing up in a culture of rush, well I rushed everything I wanted to do. I thought I knew it all when my awakening began. This is a very poor indication of my ego. However, as my awakening continued to unfold, there was and still is so much more to learn. Nothing is ever truly over until you have gathered all the lessons, right?

I have walked many paths until I have gotten to this point. I have finally connected to my purpose and it is an amazing place to be, and I encourage you to have an open heart and truly see the value in what I am about to share now and in future blogs.

Whatever your belief in on this spiritual journey, the Generational Curse impacts all areas of your life from your upbringing to your relationships to your career. I am here to shed light on this and partner with you to be present and achieve better.

Now let’s get into context.

What is the Generational Curse? Is it really a curse?

The Generational Curse is the compounding of cycles and patterns through all the generations over time. It is the shared beliefs and behaviors which have the ability to help you move forward or keep you stuck on your path. Little attention is paid to the Generational Curse, and though it is nothing to fear, it is very important to recognize where it could be holding you back on your journey. We learn much of our ways of being from our ancestors, and though they have set a beautiful foundation for us, not everything will continue to work as we a species, evolve. Some of what has been passed down to us through the interpretation of those before us are merely survival techniques. Sometimes, it can be hard to identify since it becomes so deeply ingrained in the thought/action that has always been done.

You can consider it only as a curse if you allow it to control your life and do nothing about it. However, once you recognize what the compounded negativity is on your journey, you will be able to transform it into the blessing that it is. With my Generational Consciousness offering, I partner with your energy to bring forward those insights that you need in order to create the best change for yourself.

Examples of the Generational Curse:

  • Ignoring your partner’s voice because you’ve constantly seen this happening in your family. One partner is more dominant than the other, and this results in the lack of teamwork.
  • Having rigid views when it comes to religion.
  • Keeping secrets because you’re afraid of the consequences. You’ve seen in the past what happened to others when they’ve been truthful in the family.

The family is the first collective consciousness we are exposed to, and it is also the one which has the deepest impact on our lives. I have always felt the importance of family, and had my own vision of a happy family. Hence, it is only fitting that my lessons on my journey prepared me to share with you all the insights I have gathered personally. I invite you to take a few moments and think about your own life.

How have the thoughts, behaviors or beliefs impacted your own life and decisions?

What do you share in common with so many others before you, and how has it worked for them? Has it worked for you?

What learnt behaviors can you change so that your relationships can improve for the better?

If there is one lesson I have learnt along the way, it is this:

To have any profound change occur in your life, you must first begin with the family. It is important to identify the ways your different teachings help or do not help you. When you have identified this, you will know what to expand on and what to adjust.

I look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments below!

Suggested Reading: Family Wisdom by the Monk who Sold His Ferrari Written by Robin Sharma

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